
Dear friends of Cobi.

On this website, we want to give you a simple overview of the diversity of the Cobi Toys world.

This page will continually expand and grow. Some sets are still missing, but we will try to complete them as soon as they are available. It’s a fluent process.

It can also occur that we use early render images, these will be exchanged as soon as the official data is available.

If you have any suggestions or improvements, send them to us using the contact form.

Your COBIpedia team

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Cobi 1200 Vulcan Rotary Fighter
Cobi 1200 Vulcan Rotary Fighte...
Cobi 1201 Matrax
Cobi 1201 Matrax
Cobi 1210 Galileo Flying Saucer
Cobi 1210 Galileo Flying Sauce...
Cobi 1211 Oberon Moon Rocket Station
Cobi 1211 Oberon Moon Rocket S...
Cobi 1212 Oberon Alcor Patrol Space Vehicle
Cobi 1212 Oberon Alcor Patrol ...
Cobi 1230 Cosmic Combat Vehicle
Cobi 1230 Cosmic Combat Vehicl...
Cobi 1231 Phoenix
Cobi 1231 Phoenix
Cobi 1232 Morpheus - Combat Flying Saucer
Cobi 1232 Morpheus - Combat Fl...
Cobi 1250 Andromeda Rocket Launcher
Cobi 1250 Andromeda Rocket Lau...
Cobi 1251 X-Draco - Galactic Racer
Cobi 1251 X-Draco - Galactic R...
Cobi 1270 Alphatron - Galactic Base
Cobi 1270 Alphatron - Galactic...
Cobi 1300 Pandora Proton Gun
Cobi 1300 Pandora Proton Gun
Cobi 1301 Zixen Hydrogen Racer
Cobi 1301 Zixen Hydrogen Racer
Cobi 1302 Hexen Cosmic Destroyer
Cobi 1302 Hexen Cosmic Destroy...
Cobi 1303 Vanger Space Vehicle
Cobi 1303 Vanger Space Vehicle
Cobi 1310 Reymor Ion Destroyer
Cobi 1310 Reymor Ion Destroyer
Cobi 1311 Batrix Attack Racer
Cobi 1311 Batrix Attack Racer
Cobi 1312 Arhon Planet Utility Vehicle
Cobi 1312 Arhon Planet Utility...
Cobi 1330 Luthor - Plasma Destroyer
Cobi 1330 Luthor - Plasma Dest...
Cobi 1350 Sixwheeled Attack Vehicle
Cobi 1350 Sixwheeled Attack Ve...
Cobi 1370 Skeleton ReconVehicle/Invasive Base
Cobi 1370 Skeleton ReconVehicl...
Cobi 1371 Monster - Mega Destroyer
Cobi 1371 Monster - Mega Destr...
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